Free tier has followings restrictions:

  • Max 500K commands per month
  • Max 256MB data size
  • One free database per account

If you think your database is close to reaching any of these limits, we recommend you to upgrade to pay-as-you-go plan which includes:

  • No limit on requests per day
  • Data size up to 100 GB

To upgrade your database, you need to have a payment method. You can add a payment method as described here. After you add a payment method, Upstash restarts your database and your new database starts with the pay-as-you-go plan.

See the Pricing & Limits for limits of the pay-as-you-go and fixed plans. If you think, your use case will exceed those quotas, contact us ( for our Enterprise Plan where you can customize the limits.

During the upgrade process, you will not lose any data but your database will experience a downtime about 1-2 seconds. Your existing clients will be disconnected. So it is recommended to upgrade your database when there is the least activity.